Tag Archives: rain

Pattern and repetition

I’ve been in a bit of a photography slump lately, even (ack) leaving the house without my camera way too often.

Today’s newsletter from blogger, speaker, and photographer Darren Rowse‘s Digital Photography School piqued my interest, though. On what is turning into a very rainy day, it was delightful to look at his how-to and inspirational articles.  My favorite is on the use of repetition and pattern in your photography. Simple, but wonderful.

Seriously, take a second and go and look at the three photos he uses to illustrate the piece, here.

Neat, huh?

This made me scurry back to my own photo files to see if I’ve been appropriately tuned in to the possibilities inherent in photographing patterns like this.  I was pleased to come up with a couple of shots that I like:


Some credit is due here for both of these to Second Child, whose markers those are in the first photo, and whose arm is wearing the many candy necklaces at a beach party last summer.

Hmm . . . is it too rainy to go scouting for more good shots?