Tag Archives: miso soup

Blech, blech, blech

I often have soup for breakfast, and I appreciate really good, homemade soup. But the last time I was at the grocery store, a package of instant miso soup caught my eye. I like miso soup and it suddenly sounded like a good thing to eat for breakfast (I am not a bacon and eggs kind of girl–when I go out for breakfast with friends I order a cup of earl grey tea and a tuna sandwich–breakfast of champions). So I bought an envelope to try.

Which is still, as I write this, trickling down my sink drain. OMG, that was nasty stuff.  I didn’t make it through the first spoonful.

But now I have an unsatisfied craving to deal with. I’m tempted just to take some veggie or chicken broth, stir in a big spoonful of miso (a staple in my fridge) and add some cut up mushrooms. But it can’t be that easy, can it? Anyone have a good recipe?

Blech, blech, blech. Now I have to go rinse out my mouth with the quintessential Drain-O for humans: diet coke.